Executive Summary
This document explains the contributions from Task 2.1 of project CyberSEAS, which is on the “Analysis of interdependencies in the electricity supply chain”. To understand interdependencies, it is essential to begin by analyzing the type of assets involved in the electricity supply chain. With this motivation, first, assets of Electrical Power and Energy System (EPES) are categorized utilizing the Smart Grid Reference Architecture Model (SGAM). Various assets involved in the electricity supply chain and their spread over SGAM is analyzed.
Next, to understand dependencies, a flexible framework to depict dependencies of different nature between assets is presented. Further, a tool for multi-directional graph-based representation of assets and dependencies of a given infrastructure is developed. The tool provides functionalities to analyze effects of the interdependencies in the electricity supply chain. This document additionally serves as a user manual for the usage of developed graph-based tool and presents capabilities of the tool.