Executive Summary
This document is a deliverable reporting contribution made under Task 6.1 of project CyberSEAS. The main target of Task 6.1 is developing cybersecurity governance related guidelines for the cooperation between different players in energy supply chain. Guidelines for cybersecurity governance of common energy data spaces as a building block for the cooperation are under special focus. To support the target, this document encompasses the following content:
- Recent European funded projects contributing to cybersecurity governance in energy sector are briefly reviewed. The projects are EU-SysFlex, Phoenix and SUCCESS. The aim of this study is to gather and present the recently developed knowledge on cybersecurity governance in energy domain.
- Regulatory frameworks regarding cybersecurity governance on both national and European levels are reviewed. For the European level, the focus is on the network code for cybersecurity aspects of cross-border electricity flows provided by ENTSO-E and EU-DSO in 2022. For national level frameworks, different European countries including Finland, Estonia, Slovenia, Italy, Greece and Germany are under focus. The aim of the review is to extract the best and worst practices and lessons learned.
- Comparing the information gathered about national and European level frameworks as well as from the recent European projects, a list of guidelines about how to develop a cybersecurity governance model for cooperation of different players in energy domain (specifically in energy common data spaces) is provided.
- Exploring NIS 2 directive and its requirement for organizations and provide a common cybersecurity governance model for EPES operators in compliance with NIS 2.
This report is the second deliverable of Task 6.1. and it will extend the first version of the deliverable by exploring NIS 2 directive and its implications and requirements. Furthermore, a common cybersecurity governance model is provided based on research and lessons learned throughout the period of CyberSEAS project.